Cant Get An Onsite Wastewater Permit Due to Lot Size restrictions or other enchroachments?
Governmental regulations could shut down your commercial project if you were forced to use septic system performance standards for the wastewater generated by the operation of your building. Without permits for on-site wastewater treatment, you might think that attaching to city sewer lines, even if they are at a long distance from your site, is your only alternative, forcing you to spend large amounts of capital. In many cases AWWE can obtain the same densities with on-site utilities.
An AWWE custom designed on-site performance-based treatment system can offer up to a 70 percent reduction in standard drain field sizes along with the creative engineering to be able to place drainfield sections in areas currently used for landscaping around your building or in the driveway medians or beside parking areas. The treated effluent can be made clean enough to provide drip irrigation for trees, plants and grass, at root level, saving on irrigation costs.
On-site performance-based wastewater systems allow you to maximize your buildings floorspace
Building your project to the maximum allowable height, or to the largest footprint available on your property, will give you the most usable, income-producing square-footage. Commercial buildings that can go two, three, four, or more stories, can still be able to care for wastewater and effluent on-site. And since an AWWE performance-based system is an odor free, natural treatment system using no chemicals and requiring no replacement media, you and/or your tennants will never notice that it is in use — unless you take notice of the green and healthy landscaping on the property. These systems are even operational during shutdown and vacation periods requiring no start-up time, bacteria dosing or any maintenance by the owner or the tennants. The reduction in drainfield size afforded by an AWWE performance-based system might be the deal-clincher which will allow you to maximize square-footage, thereby maximizing your income.
The Before, During, and After of a typical commercial building installation
Click the photo-link above to bring up a short informative QuickTime video documenting a typical performance-based system installation for a commercial building— this one in Orlando, Florida.
Advanced WasteWater Engineering, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 373124
Indian Harbor Beach, Florida 32937
Call: 321-777-9990